It has always been the mandate of Achilles Canada to provide financial support for the challenges that some of our athletes experience in competing at more major organized events.
The new Achilles Canada Ambassador Program is taking that support to the next level!
This National program has also been developed to improve awareness of our Achilles Canada brand by providing our athletes with the tools to allow them to display our logo and colours in a more consistent and professional way.
So, let us explain how this will work…
What Are Our Goals
- Commit to Raise a minimum of $500 as an Athlete, Guide or Individual Ambassador
- Support our Achilles Canada athletes financially
- Increase brand awareness – logo and colours
- Increase participation at local weekly training events
- Increase participation in major organized events
How Do I Become An Ambassador?
- Participate in the 2020 Patrick’s Day Race Event – live or virtually
- Participate consistently in your local training runs
- Participate in two (2) major running events (minimum 10 km distance)

What Do I Receive as an Athlete Ambassador?*
- Free annual Achilles Canada membership
- Ambassador Branded “Swag Package”
- Jacket
- Shirt
- Hat
- Shorts
- Socks
* all items will tell the world you are an “AMBASSADOR”
- Two Shoe Vouchers (value $300)
- Paid entry to the St Patrick’s Day Race Event
- Paid entry into the two (2) major running events of your choice
- Free transportation (Uber) “to and from” these three events
What Does My Ambassador Guide Receive?*
(same guide must participate in all three events with the same athlete)
- Free annual Achilles Canada membership
- Ambassador Branded “Swag Package”
- Jacket
- Shirt
- Hat
- Shorts
- Socks
* all items will tell the world you are an “AMBASSADOR GUIDE”
- Paid entry to the St Patrick’s Day Race Event
- Paid entry into the two (2) major running events of your choice
What Do I Receive as an Individual Ambassador?*
- Free annual Achilles Canada membership
- Ambassador Branded “Swag Package”
- Jacket
- Shirt
- Hat
- Shorts
- Socks
* all items will tell the world you are an “AMBASSADOR GUIDE”
- Paid entry to the St Patrick’s Day Race Event
- Paid entry into the two (2) major running events of your choice