Membership in Achilles Canada is free of charge.
Camaraderie, fun, achievement, and the tremendous confidence boost that comes when you do something you didn’t think you could do!
Please complete our membership application or a paper application and send to You will receive a welcome package in the mail after processing which can take 4 to 6 weeks.
No problem! The first step is to complete a membership form and send it to Achilles Canada. You will receive a t-shirt in the mail along with a welcome letter encouraging you to get out and get moving with friends, family members, etc. You can still register for local races and represent Achilles Canada by wearing your Achilles t-shirt. Send us photos and race results and keep in touch with us. We love to hear from our members!
First complete the proper membership application (either Volunteer or Athlete with Disability) and send it to Brian at along with a note stating your intention to develop a chapter. You will be contacted by Brian thereafter.
I've seen people in Achilles T-shirts running in my area. It looks interesting. What are they doing?
Quite simply, they are coming together to run. Achilles pairs able-bodied runners with athletes with disabilities (AWD) and together they run. Eventually, when the AWD is ready, we enter races together.
Complete a volunteer membership form here and submit to
Please look at the National Chapters Map which show all the locations and contact information for all of our Chapter across Canada.
You might consider starting a chapter where you live. It’s not for everybody, but if you think it’s something you have the passion and time for, complete a membership form and send it to along with a note stating your interest in chapter development. Brian will contact you to discuss.
We have a variety of programs that need funding and all of our chapters always need funds for race entry fees, travel expenses, running gear, and equipment. When you donate online, you can specify what you would like your donation spent on, including general overhead.